Employ Your Words...
"It is vitally important that you employ the words you speak."

Sandra A. Hudson
"Employing your words means you are careful to ensure the words you release produce a fruitful harvest that edifies and promotes God's will in the earth. To encourage you to confess the Word of God, we have provided, below, downloadable confessions and other resources for you to view and reflect upon."
You give voice to God's Word, when you say what He has said!
Click on Topic to Download Scriptural Faith Confessions
See Bible copyright statements:
- "Scripture quotations taken from the King James Version." (In the public domain)
- "Scripture quotations taken from the New King James Version®.
Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
- "Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible®" www.Lockman.org
- "Scripture quotations taken from the Amplified Bible®" www.Lockman.org

"The Sower Sows The Word"
Mark 4:14 (NASB)
When you take the time to sow (plant) the Word of God in your heart, to think on and speak the words God has spoken concerning you,
Doors open to endless possibilities!
You enable the power of God to go to work on your behalf to bring wholeness: life, hope, peace, joy, prosperity, healing, deliverance, preservation and restoration to any situation you may face.
Purposely agree with God! Cultivate the daily routine of prophesying to your own life so that you may give place to His divine will. We assure you, He will not disappoint!
Purposely agree with God! Cultivate the daily routine of prophesying to your own life so that you may give place to His divine will. We assure you, He will not disappoint!
One of your greatest assets:
The ability to create with Your WORDS!
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in thy sight, Oh Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer!
Psalm 19:14
be acceptable in thy sight, Oh Lord, my Strength and my Redeemer!
Psalm 19:14