“If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed...
John 8:31
We want to remind you of the great grace wherein we as "Believers" in Christ live. Our daily obligations and desires can loom large and, over time, cloud the truth such that we forget the blessings of God on our lives. That doesn't have to be the case when we effectively prioritize to include quality time renewing our minds to that which lifts, builds, and enlightens us. Be encouraged as you take a much needed moment to reflect on and confess
God's Word: the real truth concerning you!
God's Word: the real truth concerning you!

We believe, therefore, we speak!
Faith Confessions
God has given you the ability, authority, and responsibility to chart your course in life. With the assistance of the Holy Spirit, you can speak life-filled words that cause you to overcome, grow, achieve and succeed. All it takes is a little time to embark on a new path towards good success. To aid you in arriving at your God-given destination, we have provided Scripture-based confessions designed to facilitate absolute agreement with God.

Study to show thyself approved unto God!
Notes / Outlines
As you mature in the Lord, you realize that just going to the local assembly (church) on Sunday and/or mid-week is not enough to sustain your spiritual growth. You need quality time spent in the Word to receive revelation and further your understanding of the mysteries of God. The notes and outlines we have provided will help you to achieve your God-inspired goal of moving on and maturing in Christ as you seriously and consistently study the Word.

Articles / Word Studies
You have arrived at this point in life based on information you have gleaned from others, and in many instances, as a result of what you have read. Find answers to questions, learn interesting insights, or just enjoy an encouraging word as you read Bible-based articles prepared from the revelation received during hours of study and prayer. As you read, you will encounter revelation that will help you develop unfailing confidence in God.

Our Prayer For You!
When it comes to prayer, we recognize the Word of God is the best we can pray for you. We base that on 1 John 5:14, which reads, "This is the confidence which we have before [toward] Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have [as our present possession] the requests which we have asked from Him." This Scripture clearly delineates that when we pray the will of God and have faith that He hears us, we actually receive what we prayed for. Therefore, we pray this Word-filled, results-oriented, heart-felt prayer for you.
T. Thomas
Dale, proud of you and Sandra! Keep up the good work in building God's Kingdom .
D. Long
Classes are so good and I'm learning a lot! I appreciate and love you and Dale. Thanks for everything.