Article: How Do You See?
by: Sandra A. Hudson

My goal was to place pictures, articles, Scriptures and other motivational materials inside one folder that I could use to envision and meditate on the dreams and desires that I had for my life. It was to be my very own vision board. When I reached the point of working on the pages dedicated to the personal things I desired, specifically, a new house, I searched magazines for a picture I could include. Then, I turned the page to see what I thought was the perfect representation of the house I desired, but noticed I would not cut it out. I CHOKED! When I saw the price of the house, a myriad of thoughts went through my mind. I found it very interesting that I was only cutting the picture out of the magazine, not literally buying the house; however, I still could not bring myself to do it. I went on to look for less expensive houses that had the look and as many amenities as possible for my presumed price point.

This was to be my dreams and visions exercise where I established that all things are possible with God. Rather, it was a wake-up call. Although I was confessing the Word and sharing what I was “believing” God for, I saw something totally different, not with my natural eyes, but the eyes of my imagination and understanding. There was a huge block there which the Lord wanted me to realize. I had been sharing with others how that God will not withhold from us; instead, along with giving us Jesus (who is the best that He has), He will freely give us all things (Romans 8:32). Also, I consistently informed others that my favorite quote is “All things are possible to him that believes” (Mark 9:23). Jesus said it; so that makes it a sure thing. He cannot lie.
"...Is anything too difficult for God?"
Further, I love the Scriptures (Genesis 18:14 and Jeremiah 32:27), where God asked, “Is anything [word] too hard for God? Is there any word we can utter that’s too difficult for God to fulfill? Well, apparently, in my inward parts (the core of my being, my heart, and “mind’s eye”), I believed some things were possible with God; but others, while possible, were not probable for me.
This truly was a wake-up call. I had to ask myself, “What do I see?” When I say I am healed by the stripes of Jesus, do I see myself healed, whole? When I say wealth and riches are in my house, do I see wealth and riches or poverty and lack? What do I see? When I say, I am fit, whole, and fine, do I see myself that way or do I have an image of being overweight, stressed and tired? Just what image have I allowed to be drafted? Does it line up with the good future and hope God has designed for me? Or, has the enemy somehow been able to paint a picture of ultimate gloom, doom and despair without me realizing it? The even greater question: “What is to be done about it?”
How Do You See?

First, I realize it is time to go back to the drawing board, to erase all the foreign markings on God’s blueprint for my life. Next, it is important to read the blueprint accurately. As it relates to my future, what exactly has God said, done, established, and called for? The necessary answers to those all- important questions are ascertained only by spending time in the Word, and communing with God. During times of communion and prayer, the Holy Spirit can and will fill in the blanks, draw anew, and paint in the true colors of what God has designed.
I have decided to do what it takes to clearly and accurately see the things God has in store for me. Join me in starting a new journey to true faith and fulfillment as I allow God to sculpt, etch and paint His masterpiece on my heart and imagination. As with me, and for you as well, His final rendering will be absolutely astounding!